Sailing for those with disabilities 

Martin 16 delivers that dream.


Sip & Puff     helm

sailing with disabilities









  The Martin 16 with the Sip & Puff  




Some call it the    equalizer,      others call it the       enabler,    other's say it is Freedom!


  Debbie Donald  of Toronto rounds the weather mark, steering her     Martin 16 with her breath.

Or contact us here at

B & D Sailing


Or just click here

And e-mail us

We want you on the water

For complete online information for   Sip & Puff and the auto-helm 
go to the
Martin 16 web page.


This makes the playing field open to all that want to meet the challenge 
of sailing and expanding the boundaries of life by joining in with the 
rest of the community on the water.